2025-03-05 – Mid February To Early March, Kiwifarms Comments

Null has always been pretty active with posting and commenting on his own site4 ever since I’ve known of it. Here are his comments from Mid February to Early March.

The first comment is on his MATI podcast thread and really fleshes out Null’s priorities when it comes to politics.

He says: “The tate shit really knocked the air out of my lungs in terms of euphoria for the trump shit. if he goes out of his way to free a black british muslim child rapist in romania before the banks let me earn a dollar I am just going to shut my brain off and ignore politics for the next 3.85 years.”

This goes to show that Null is understandably not keen on any of the Andrew Tate universe, and that Null’s central political focus has been to get back on payment processors, of which he was ostensibly knocked off of.

The second comment is in reference to Elliott Fong, the troon who ostensibly was the actuator behind trying to take down the Kiwifarms a couple of years ago. Null says that Fong is basically a tech bro, which is a fair assessment because he did work at Google and then a few other tech companies, so that would largely shape his mentality, I’d imagine.

The third comment has to do with the ongoing stickers conversation on the site, whereupon, I think, Null wants to get rid of the stickers or otherwise limit stickers, and has said as much in a thread he created about it a few weeks ago, of which I cannot find at the moment.

You’ll notice by the blue tag at the beginning of a number of comments here that Null has shifted alot of his focus at the moment to discussion of Destiny, who he has made statements about recently on his MATI podcast as a result of the ongoing allegations and lawsuits against him by his former orbiter, Pxie.

The first comment is in response to someone else who is claiming that Pxie doesn’t have legal standing. Null says “you get one (1) shot to explain how this text does not apply to this case” and posts the following picture:

Null’s second comment on the page then is: “don’t forget that the federal revenge porn statute has a rare fee shifting provision”, which is something he referenced in his MATI podcast about how it’s a provision that forces the losing party to pay the winning party’s legal fees.

In Null’s third comment on the page, he says that, according to the law, even if you have the consent of a woman to film pornography, you need her explicit (written) consent to release it elsewhere. He cites some law that seems to back this claim.

Null’s fourth comment of the page is a meme, which I believe to be mocking Destiny’s facial expressions in an above video. I’m not totally sure on this one–it could be that he himself is saying that he has contempt.

Null’s fifth comment is him giving his take on a previous poster’s ask for suggestion of Null about the cheese that he recently bought. This all takes place in the MATI podcast thread, because Null in an episode last year did a segment of the various cheeses that exist in the world and in the US.

In the comment that Null gives here, he says that palm oil is bad for the environment.

Null’s 6th, 7th, and 8th comments here all relate back to DOTA 2, possibly Null’s favorite game that he spent thousands of hours on end playing in the past. In running Kiwifarms and his podcast, Null had stepped away from playing DOTA 2 for a period of time, and now he’s back to playing the game.

Null’s 9th comment on the page is just him answering another user’s inquiry about the latest MATI podcast episode being uploaded, which Null affirms has been uploaded.

Null’s 10th comment of the page lines out Destiny’s situation as he sees it, much of which he covers during his episode.

Null says that he thinks: (1) Destiny is fucked; (2) Destiny is ulting his own victimhood at the moment, ulting victim-politics to try to garner sympathy; and (3) Destiny is holding barely concealed contempt for the Kiwifarms on stream.

Null in this long text basically says that Destiny is in a pickle. With Pxie asking for $15M, which may not even be doable for Destiny, Destiny is reluctant to meet her demands, especially given that other e-girls may come out of the woodwork asking for money as well.

On the career-side, because Destiny does debating for a living, any debate opponent can use the pending nonconsensual pornography bullet point against him in any debate and basically get an auto-win because Destiny cannot comment on the case without providing evidence for the other side to use against him in court. Null has already stated that Destiny has impeached himself in this process by making contradictory statements on stream about the court case/allegations, and that this all already will likely be used against him. Null cites the case of Ethan Ralph having revenge pornography charges against him as an instance where a streamer is forced to be quiet despite having making their living from debating with others on camera.

Null closes this out by saying that Destiny’s best move into politics would be to make a heelturn completely and go into conservative politics, where he’s likely to have more backup with regard to allegations against him.

Null’s 11th comment on the page was just him clarifying that the “women’s” League of Legends team was actually 100% troon and ended up winning.

Null’s 12th comment on the page is basically just telling another user that that particular statute doesn’t apply because this is a civil, not criminal, case against Destiny.

Null’s 13th comment on the page is him seething at other users for giving him weight loss advice.

Null’s 14th comment on the page is him just reaffirming what he’s already said in regards to Destiny’s court case, that it’s in Destiny’s interest to settle this immediately, rather than have a cloud hanging over his head for the next 3+ years.

Null’s 15th comment on the page is him in the ‘Weight Loss’ thread, discussing how he doesn’t like sweets all that much, but does like “noodles and doughy shit and potatoes”.

Null’s 16th comment on the page is him seething at Andrew Tate more while also highlighting that Null has been knocked off payment processors.

Null’s 17th comment on this page is him discussing how eating lean chicken breast may be the way to lose weight and how it’s best to think of food as a fuel source and not as recreation.

Null’s 18th comment on this page is about BossManJack, who was a gambling addict who streamed on Kick for a period of time before going to jail, who Null started fixating on in his MATI podcast streams for a time.

Null’s 19th comment is him responding to a poster on his MATI podcast thread asking Null to stop covering as much Twitter/Xitter drama. Null responds by saying that half of lolcow/sektur stuff comes directly from Twitter, especially when it comes to Destiny/Ralph, so the user is just going to have to stop being a bitch.

Null’s 20th comment on the page is him in the ‘Weight Loss’ thread saying that he intends to lose 2lbs a week.

Next page–

On the first comment on the page, Null is in the man-hate thread and is saying that “a Karen” is now head of Department of Education, and this recent pick by Trump “might do shit”.

Null’s second comment on the page is about German Politics. I don’t really care about any of this.

Null’s third comment on the page is in reference to another comment on the MATI podcast thread that mentions that Kiwifarms got a mention in a recently-released “the Horrible and Disturbing Internet Communities Iceberg” video by a channel named Abyssal Detective. Null says that what they say in the video is what he would say to “parodize the dumb bullshit the biggest fucking faggots in the world believe.”

Null’s 4th through 8th comments are all on the Destiny thread.

The 4th comment is about Null handing out direct bans to anyone who says that Destiny was brutally molested as a child. Null says that such comments are “entirely classless” and saying as such undermines the criticism levied against Destiny.

In reality, Null is mad at these comments, because it draws attention to the fact that Null himself was brutally molested as a child, which has been highlighted by influencers and anonymous Internet users alike, such as Ethan Ralph.

The 5th comment is Null saying that the issue with attorneys is that they almost all suck and could not possibly give less of a shit about your case. He says further: “You’d think hiring Big Dick, Esq. would result in really high class attentive counseling but a lot of them just could not care less.”

The 6th comment on the page is Null saying that “getting fired from service is almost impossible”. I can’t tell what service he’s talking about, so I’m lead to believe he’s referring to military service.

The 7th comment on this page is Null responding to the allegations Destiny made against Kiwifarms and other antifan communities.

Let’s roll through each of these addressed by Null in his comment:

  • “they don’t like when i talk about them but they pretend that they do”
    ???????? free advertising by word of mouth is the only way this totally deindexed site keeps growing

Both Destiny and Null have a point here. Yes, Destiny is correct generally that criticizing other communities or people may start to tarnish their reputation and provide them negative publicity, but Null is correct in the sense that Kiwifarms has been delisted by Google, and so shoutouts by big streamers, good or bad, provides more attention to the forum which tends to result in more visitors/engagement/impressions for the site.

  • “they don’t fuck with people, but those are old rules, with me they will do everything possible”
    like what??? outside of posting about people what is the site doing? HE’S the one threatening US.

Destiny is somewhat correct here in that his thread on the forum will comb through every aspect of his public life. You see this with fast-moving threads, where any bit of new information that comes out, relevant to the current zeitgeist topics at hand or not, gets posted and obsessed over. Having that sort of dynamic as a streamer must come with some level of dread that there are a number of people with magnifying glasses poring through archives, public databases, and on-stream viewing, searching for any misspeak, misstep, or other kompromat that can be gleefully inserted into the thread.

Null’s position is that the consequences of the actions Destiny committed fall on Destiny. While true generally, when you’re a streamer with a thread and have acquired a number of enemies and bystanders preying on your downfall, not to mention any “cabals” that may have a vested interest in seeing you be “”shut-up” or “toned down” in the free marketplace of ideas (ie political/industrialist forces beyond our understanding that may seek for Destiny to no longer be lambasting their economic interests), you’re in a particularly precarious spot where your friends may be few and your public online e-influencer friends may be fewer. Null is playing dumb a little bit by implying that having a thread on you doesn’t fuck with someone psychologically, especially when it’s such a focused and active thread with some users seemingly having agendas against Destiny.

  • “they’re unwell people, most of them stuck at home living on disability” (he repeats this several times)
    the site is 100% donation funded and judging by the size of donations we sometimes get I assure you these people are working jobs,

We can’t really see who the people behind the posts on the site are, but I don’t think either of them are really stating the reality of who the posters are, at least from my persepctive, probably because both haev a vested interest not to.

It’s argumentatively advantageous for Destiny to say that the users are all on disability, because that reinforces the stereotype that “trolls” are just jobless losers who don’t work and just attack people online. Null says that the site is funded by donations, and the sometimes large donations indicate that the people donating are working jobs.

In reality, it’s my belief that the Intel Agencies likely have control of and post on Kiwifarms. Moreover, it’s my belief that a number of podcasters are also agents of Intel Agencies too. Which posters? Which streamers? You never really get formal confirmation either way, so you just have to deduce based on your own intuition.

  • “half of the people are the same person on different accounts”
    name any two people you think are alts working the thread and I will personally confirm if they are for you.

This claim by Destiny is pretty on-target. Some of Destiny’s biggest anti-fan streamer detractors at the moment like Chud Logic and Kuihman hold this personal view as well. There very much seems to be users on Kiwifarms who have multiple accounts. One of the instances of such is in Destiny’s own thread, where with the CodeCave, Blav, StrangerMe switch-ups, there seems to have been one person with multiple accounts. Someone with a greater inclination to dissect textual linguistic similarities may be better armed to establish more precise conclusions here.

This is a huge instance of Null playing dumb, in my opinion.

  • “it’s irritating that my political enemies are reading from the thread, because they are a (verbatim) doxxxing swatting central
    i’d like to refute your claims we swat people with the following:

Destiny has a point here, knowingly or not, in that Kiwifarms seems to be a neutral hub where hacker/swatter types can hang out to gossip. It’s like their own personal watering hole, and while Kiwifarms has explicit rules against doxxing/swatting others, these types can congregate on Kiwifarms to establish rings of swatting/extortion/doxxing/other unpleasant behavior of the sort on other sites or Discord Servers that may otherwise target given subjects of threads that exist on Kiwifarms.

Still, Null is technically pretty correct, and I don’t expect him to bite this bullet, nor would I want him to given his ostensibly principled stance on “mainly free speech”.

  • completely fucking disingengious “it’s gangstalking, unironically though”

I understand Destiny’s position of calling it ‘gangstalking’. Having a thread is alot of pressure to put on one individual. Still, when someone enters public view, there is an implicit agreement that this wager that you’re doing to convert public attention into dollars has the consequence of people talking about you, both good and bad.

Null’s 8th comment is basically just him denying that users of his forum have multiple accounts and that “literally every narcissistic lolcow claims their thread is 50% one guy on multiple accounts”.

Null is trying to skirt the possibility that this may be the case that multiple people may have multiple accounts (even though there’s no reason to believe this isn’t the case, and a fair amount of reason to believe that it’s likely) because it is more argumentatively advantageous for Null to paint Destiny in a certain light when he poses a somewhat adversarial force to his own forum.

Null’s 9th comment is him saying that he likely isn’t going to make an update to whatever the user is asking for, and that it’s on Xenforo (the forum software provider) to build out the extension.

Null’s 10th comment is him saying that for his new Internet Preservation non-for-profit, he’s just going to use static pages for the site until they get a datacenter.

Null’s 11th comment on this page is him responding to another user about various reactions to the Russian-Ukraine War. I don’t think I care too much about any of it.

Null’s 12th comment on this page is about a small thread about Twitter’s “Grok 3” in relation to searching Kiwifarms. I don’t really care too much about this topic.

Null’s 13th comment is a bit of an exaggeration/mischaracterization of an argument that Destiny has made regarding the allegations against him, and Null has provided his thoughts and counterargument to the one that Destiny has presented on this point.

Null’s 14th comment on this page is reaffirming forum etiquette to the users to screenshot Reddit threads in addition to linking them, instead of just linking them, so that people don’t have to navigate to the site. This is on the Twitch/rLivestreamFails Kiwifarms thread.

Null’s 15th comment on this page is establishing a new rule in the Destiny thread to “stop writing posts talking to Destiny” because “it’s annoying.”

Null’s 16th comment ties into his 14th comment (above) that he’s not going to feature on Kiwifarms a direct link to Reddit, and that users “should archive shit” instead.

Null’s 17th comment is him seething about a user calling a woman or women “evil”. I don’t have context for the conversation, but it seems dumb all-around– making gender war comments, as well as seething about it.

Null’s 18th comment is him posting in his MATI podcast thread about really liking some herring snacks.

Null’s 19th comment is him in the Destiny thread saying that Pxie can, for years, garnish Destiny’s 10s of thousands of dollars he makes per month.

Null’s 20th comment his him saying that there is a new OP for a lolcow thread of someone who I’ve never heard of before and don’t care about.

[Next Page]

Null’s 1st comment on this page is in the MATI podcast thread about a painting that he liked but doesn’t know the name of. I don’t really care too much about this.

Null’s 2nd comment on this page is in the ‘Buy-It-For-Life’ thread where he responded to another user claiming that he won’t go and lose weight, where Null responds that he had done it before when he was younger, so will seek to do it again.

Null’s 3rd comment is in the ‘Gorl World’ thread where he is saying that his legal strategy for vexatious litigants that sue him in the future will be to “counter-sue for malicious prosecution every time it’s applicable”. He says that he’s avoided doing this in the past because it drags out the litigation process, but he said that he’s now tired of people wanting to ” infringe the forum’s first amendment rights by threatening us with “the punishment is the process” with no comeuppance when they lose”.

Null’s 4th comment on this page is about how he’s not really enjoying his experience having come back to DOTA 2 recently, and that he can’t really justify “60 minutes sitting still anymore”.

Null’s 5th comment on this page is on the Destiny thread, where he puts out a quote how it’s better to laugh than cry, and this might be in reference to Destiny’s proclivity to laugh quite a bit on his streams.

Null’s 6th comment is on the ‘Buy-It-For-Life’ thread, where he’s saying he wants to lost some weight to fit into a leather jacket. This comment is associated with the 2nd comment on this page (above).

Null’s 7th comment on this page is referencing Styx’s recent apparent suicide-baiting on Twitter, with Null saying that suicide-baiting can get you being made fun of on the Internet.

Null’s 8th comment on this page is him sperging out at another user for something on the ‘German Election’ thread. I don’t really care.

Null’s 9th comment on this page is him commenting on the thread of CWC’s mom. I don’t really care.

Null’s 10th comment on this page is associated with the above 7th comment on this page about Styx’s apparent suicide-baiting.

Null’s 11th and 12th comment on this page is in reference to the recent death of Jocelyn Ridgely, who apparently starred in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and/or its associated universe. I don’t really care.

Null’s 13th comment on this page is on the thread of some 3200+ page cartoonist thread that is now inactive, presumably I’d imagine, because he died or something. I don’t care.

Null’s 14th comment is on his MATI podcast thread where he gave a response to someone who gave a response to someone who posted about how someone in 2023 walked into a Virginia power plant by just wearing a safety vest. The poster Null responded to was saying that apparently that’s all that’s needed to walk into restricted areas is a safety vest, so Null tacks on that having a regular brown folder would get one access to the President.

Null’s 15th comment on this page is making a Luigi Mangione joke on the ‘German Election’ thread that I’m not sure that I get.

Null’s 16th comment on this page is him sperging out on the ‘German Election’ thread.

Null’s 17th comment on this page is sort of playing into the satire circlejerk in putting up a strawman that “common sense” and “basic moderation” are the extent of the activity that exists on Destiny’s Kiwifarms thread.

Null’s 18th comment on this page is him seething at users again for Gender Wars silliness in the ‘German Election’ thread. This could be associated with the above 16th comment.

Null’s 19th comment on this page is him defending his use of “Karen” previous, saying that he used it as a verb. I think he’s being a little bit cheeky here, not sure.

Null’s 20th comment is retarded, but he says he likes smoked oysters, which is neat and something that I’ve never tried.

[Next Page]

Null’s 1st comment on this page is about the Kanye West Swastika thing. I don’t really care.

Null’s 2nd and 3rd comments are on the ‘Clothing/Fashion’ thread and are about that he is planning his attire around when he is thin again.

Null’s 4th comment is him discussing with someone regarding Asmongold’s grotesque visage.

Null’s 5th comment is him seething in the Destiny thread about people bringing up that Destiny has been brutally molested, when Null has, as well, been brutally molested.

Null’s 6th comment is on the ‘Greer vs Moon Litigation’ thread where he is saying that the money for the litigation is in a trust.

Null’s 7th comment is on the thread of someone I don’t care about.

Null’s 8th through 11th comments on this page are on the ‘Autistic Thunderdome Reform’ thread, and I don’t really care too much about them at this point in time.

Null’s 12th comment is him testing his new censorship policy in the MATI podcast thread. Null had announced this new policy in its own thread and/or on a MATI podcast at some point in that whilst some speech may not be illegal, Tier 1 ISPs, who have an oligopoly because of how few they are in number, have given the Kiwifarms an ultimatum between refusing certain legal content or not having their site be up and running, The following auto-message-text given as a response on any censored post affirms to the viewers of why that content has been censored:

“At the request of a Tier 1 ISP without due process, this post and its content has been blocked from the global Internet. It is not illegal in the United States, nor does it violate forum rules. It is removed to avoid complications with private companies that dictate the flow of information on the Internet.

This censorship was actioned by Null on Feb 28, 2025.”

Null’s 13th comment on this page is on the MATI podcast thread, where he is saying that he is starting prepwork for the stream.

Null’s 14th through 16th comments on this page are him discussing wallets.

Null’s 17th comment is on his ‘Internet Preservation Non-For-Profit’ thread where he answers a question about the scope of the activities of the non-for-profit.

The user asks: “Are you considering archives and media preservation as part of the priorities?”

Null responds: “Not really, but especially not public ones, not unless you consider our ambitions to reduce the DMCA mafia.”

On the face of it, it looks like Null is saying that archives and media preservation don’t fall within the scope of what the non-for-profit is looking to do. However, I’m not quite sure what he means by his second statement about “reducing the DMCA mafia” other than perhaps that he’s going to prioritize fighting against Copyright Law on Social Media platforms like Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. I need further clarification of what the priorities of his non-for-profit will be.

Null’s 18th comment in what he’s replying to about someone being Buddhist seems to imply that Null is saying that the Buddha is Indian. I’m not totally sure how accurate that claim is.

Null says in his 19th comment on this page that he hasn’t caught any fish.

Null’s 20th comment is on the MATI thread and is responding to a post by one of his main admins/mods, Haramburger, about the state of a meetup in 2023 between Destiny, Vaush, and Keffals and how their situations have evolved since then.

[Next Page]

Null’s 1st comment on this page is responding to a comment in the MATI podcast thread about how Walmart has given out a pizza party to its employees, where each of them can only get 2 slices of pizza each.

Null’s 2nd comment on this page is in regards to the Hasan temporary ban from Twitch for making comments about a Republican Senator. Null is expressing that, as much as he loathes the Senator, he’s disappointed that Hasan only got a temporary ban instead of a permanent one.

Null’s 3rd comment on this page is in the MATI podcast thread where he says that he just doesn’t drink.

Null’s 4th comment on this page is in the Oscars 2025 thread, where he says that the fact that the troon who starred in ‘Emilia Perez’ didn’t win best actress shows that troon influence seems to be waning.

Null’s 5th comment on this page is in the MATI podcast thread where he says that his post-processing software automatically uploads episodes to the RSS feeds, and then he seethes at a user.

Null’s 6th comment on this page is on the thread of a YouTuber who I’d never heard of before who went by “Shlomo Finkelstein” who lived in Germany and got arrested for his channel. Personally, the one video that apparently he got arrested for was so brainrotted that this doesn’t seem like someone I would defend. As to Null’s comment in the thread, Null is saying that the state of Germany is entirely different than it was 80 years ago by virtue of 8-10% of the male population being killed off completely restructuring the nation.

Null’s 7th comment on this page is in the MATI podcast thread and is related to the conversation associated with the 5th comment on this page (above).

Null’s 8th comment on this page in in the Shlomo Finkelstein thread and is associated with the 6th comment on this page (above).

Null’s 9th comment on this page is on the MATI podcast thread, and is associated with the 3rd comment on this page (above) that’s saying that Null doesn’t drink much. recreationally.

Null’s 10th comment on this page is on the Shlomo Finkelstein thread, again, where he’s seething at a user.

Null’s 11th comment on this page is him seething at a user for making a meme thread.

Null’s 12th and 13th comments are about the Shlomo Finkelstein thread. I don’t really care.

Null’s 14th comment is about him seething about people making fun of him for failing an IQ test.

Null’s 15th comment is about how he was kept out of the loop about the fate of settlement affecting Kiwifarms by both his business partner, Vincent Zhen, and the plaintiff, Elliott Fong-Jones.

Null’s 16th comment is about something in the Spanish-speaking part of Kiwifarms. I don’t care.

Null’s 17th comment on this page is in the MATI thread, where he talks about since coming back to the US, he was confused by why a number of self-checkout machines in Walmart were closed. Initially, he thought that they were just continuously broken, but he now realizes that it’s because they don’t have enough people to watch self-checkout for theft, so they have to limit the amount of machines able to be used.

Null’s 18th and 19th comments are about the Spanish-speaking side of the site. I don’t care.

Null’s 20th comment is about the troon F1nnster on his thread, where Null says that there aren’t any countries that allow travel to the US without a visa. This is in reference to the news that F1nnster was recently denied a visa to the US. Null later revises his comment to say “apparently Canada and Bermuda do not need an ESTA visa.”

That’s it for now. There’ll be more Null comment threads in the future.

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4 responses to “2025-03-05 – Mid February To Early March, Kiwifarms Comments”

  1. testatesta908 Avatar


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    Joe Schmo

    Test again